Monday, January 17, 2011

January 2011

I love this time of year. Christmas decorations come down, and a new year begins. Out with the old, and in with the new! I often ponder on what 2011 will bring. Hopefully, much joy, as our family has so much to look forward to, with a new member of the family, Kethia (from Haiti), who will come home to us in the Spring. We are in great anticipation as we await this amazing event to unfold. It will be amazing to see our world through her eyes. But first, I get to see her world, as we are making plans to travel to Haiti to attend court for the adoption in February. Branden had the privilege last year to travel to Haiti to aid in the earthquake and meet Kethia for the first time. We are blessed to live in the U.S.A. and have so much to be grateful for. My hope is that when our precious angel comes to us, that we can help her to achieve all of her dreams so that she can be come the person she wishes to be. To have this opportunity is a blessing to our family and to her. I wonder what my kids will accomplish this year, how much bigger will they get, and what funny things will they say on a day-to-day basis? And me, What new paintings will I paint? Will I ever get Kaden's mural done in his room? He told me that my deadline is his birthday, so I do have until April. That is my first goal this year.

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